Hammelman's Magento E-commerce Design

Located in Mt. Angel, Oregon, deep in the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley, Hammelman’s grows, sells and distributes a huge variety of dried flower products around the world. Hobbling along with an outdated Joomla website, Hammelman’s approached Sync with a big ask: How to build a modern e-Commerce website with thousands of product variants, attributes and bundles, virtually unlimited packaging configurations and case sizes, variable pricing for multiple customer groups, and — oh yeah — an international customer base.

Old world design meets modern technology
A multi-generational family business with an old-world, hand-illustrated aesthetic. Sync Interactive designed a new e-Commerce website using the Magento e-Commerce platform for Hammelman’s. Given their highly complex product configurations, massive attribute sets, unlimited case sizes and configurations, and international audience, Magento seemed like a no-brainer.

Project Team
Bryan Capitano
Founder & CEO
Rachel Tourville
Graphic Design
Kevin Wiley-Drake
VP of Client Success